Deleted folder keeps reappearing

A while back, I let my brother using my laptop while he was waiting for his to arried from online order. My laptop has dual boot: Windows Vista Home Premium and Debian. Of course, my bro would only use Vista. He created a folder with his name on the desktop for whatever purpose it was. Let’s called it: Evil.

When the laptop was returned to me, I wanted to get rid that Evil. No matter how many times I tried delete it, it kept coming back. I turned to Google for solution hoping someone on the Interweb experienced the same thing, but it wasn’t helpful either.

Similar to other problems/solutions I’ve been posting here, it always surprises me that lots of things could be fixed unexpectedly. Tonight, I just logged on to Windows Vista on my laptop after months without touching it just for the sake of security updating. Then I saw the Evil windows appearing on desktop again. It is clear that some programs must have created that directory automatically. But how do we know which programs which do that? After a few google searches, it was suggested that either Microsoft Windows Media Player or Bluetooth File Exchanger would use that Evil on the desktop location. Guess what? That was absolutely right, it was the Bluetooth File Exchanger which’s been creating this Evil directory.

Well, it’s not fixed. There’s no more Evil on my desktop.


8 thoughts on “Deleted folder keeps reappearing

  1. I’m not sure, it is fixed because I face the same problem with different directory in my laptop. I always comes back after I reboot a few times. The folder name is Entertainment and is also located in my D:\ partition, so I guess it’s not created by other programs.

  2. Samnang, I think in your case, some other programs must be using that directory. Unless you can find out what it is, no matter how many time you delete that folder, it won’t permanently disappear.

  3. bob says:

    To all those who have this problem in the future.

    Here is how I was able to delete these folders.

    1 copy folders to another drive
    2 move the original folders to trash, then empty
    3 move the folders you just copied (from 2nd drive) to trash and empty trash.

    I don’t know if there is a shorter way to delete these files but, this worked for me.

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